Mining Act 1992 forms
The department has a suite of forms to support the lifecycle of coal and mineral exploration and mining under the Mining Act 1992.
Titles Management System (TMS)
TMS is the preferred way to complete your applications for authorisations online.
Access the Titles Management System
The Titles Management System (TMS) is the NSW Government’s fit-for-purpose platform for industry, to support the end-to-end management of exploration and mining titles. For more information on how to use TMS, please visit the support page.
Information on the mineral claim application and renewal process for Small-Scale titles is available.
Application support
If you have general enquiries concerning the application process, such as the information required to support an application or can’t find the form you need, please contact and we will reply within two business days.
List of Mining Act application forms
Proposed work program
Proposed work programs must be prepared in accordance with the Exploration Guideline: work programs for prospecting titles (PDF, 251.39 KB) using one of the following:
- Prospecting authority work program form (PDF, 1.37 MB) (fillable pdf) does not contain expandable text fields
- Prospecting authority work program (DOCX, 97.75 KB)(fillable Word) does contain expandable text fields (better for printing)
Exploration licence
Template for technical managers (DOCX, 80.51 KB) (Fillable Word)
Complete this form where you are lodging an application which requires supporting documentation for the nominated technical manager
EL1 Application for an exploration licence (DOCX, 206.18 KB)
Complete this form if you wish to apply for the grant of a new exploration licence
EL2 Application for an exploration (mineral owner) licence (DOCX, 136.41 KB)
Complete this form if you wish to apply for the grant of a new exploration licence over minerals of which you are the private owner
EL5 Application to renew an exploration licence (DOCX, 232.83 KB)
Complete this form if you hold a current exploration licence and wish to apply to renew it for a further term
Renewal justification statement - exploration licences (DOCX, 99.96 KB)
Complete this form if you are lodging a renewal for an exploration licence. All renewals must be supported by a renewal justification statement
Complete this form if you wish to apply for an exploration licence for Group 9 (coal) under the ‘operational allocation’ framework
Assessment lease
AL1- Application for an assessment lease (DOCX, 205.75 KB)
Complete this form if you wish to apply for the grant of a new assessment lease
AL3 - Application to renew an assessment lease (DOCX, 196.81 KB)
Complete this form if you hold a current assessment lease and wish to apply to renew it for a further term
Renewal justification statement - assessment leases (DOCX, 93.49 KB)
Complete this form if you are lodging a renewal application for an assessment lease. All renewals must be supported by a renewal justification statement
Mining lease
ML1 - Application for a mining lease or mining (mineral owner) lease (DOCX, 141.35 KB)
Complete this form if you wish to apply for the grant of a new mining lease
ML4 - Application for inclusion of additional mineral(s) in a mining lease (DOCX, 91.48 KB)
Complete this form if you are the holder of a mining lease and you wish to apply to add additional minerals to the lease (except the addition of Petroleum)
ML5 - Application for inclusion of petroleum in a mining lease for coal (DOCX, 94.51 KB)
Complete this form if you are the holder of a mining lease and you wish to apply to add Petroleum to the lease
ML7 - Application for consolidation of a mining lease (DOCX, 91.07 KB)
Complete this form if you are the holder of multiple mining leases that form a single operation, and you would like to consolidate these leases into once larger lease
ML8 - Application to renew a mining lease (DOCX, 113.05 KB)
Complete this form if you are the holder of a current mining lease and wish to apply to renew it for a further term
Renewal justification statement - mining leases (DOCX, 88.46 KB)
Complete this form if you are lodging a renewal application for a mining lease. All renewals must be supported by a renewal justification statement
ML11 - Application for registration, renewal or variation of a sublease (DOCX, 109.08 KB)
Complete this form if you are the holder of a mining sublease in New South Wales applying to register, renew or vary the sublease
ML12 - Application to deregister a sublease (DOCX, 90.66 KB)
Complete this form if you are the holder of a mining sublease in New South Wales applying to deregister the sublease
ML13 - Application for Minister's approval to register a sublease (DOCX, 107.42 KB)
Complete this form if you are the holder of a mining lease in New South Wales applying for Minister’s approval to register a sublease
ML14 - Notification or application of suspension of mining operations (DOCX, 98.77 KB)
Complete this form if you are the holder of a mining lease in New South Wales applying for approval to suspend operations on the lease
ML15 Application to vary a mining lease to attach a condition regulating ancillary mining activity/ies (DOCX, 110.68 KB)
Complete this form if you are the holder of a mining lease in New South Wales applying to include an ancillary mining activity condition to the lease for activities undertaken outside the lease area
General administrative
ER01 Application for an extension or exemption from reporting (DOCX, 92.33 KB)
Complete this form if you are the holder of a prospecting or mining title and are seeking an extension or exemption from one or more reporting requirements
AD1 Application to appoint an arbitrator (DOCX, 114.53 KB)
Complete this form if you are seeking the appointment of an arbitrator in order to commence arbitration for land access reasons
Complete this form if you hold an exploration licence or assessment lease in New South Wales and wish to transfer all or part of the title/s to another party
AD3 Application for approval of full or partial transfer of a mining lease (DOCX, 121.97 KB)
Complete this form if you hold a mining lease in New South Wales and wish to transfer all or part of the title/s to another party
Complete this form if you are the holder of a title which you have recently received Departmental approval to transfer, and are applying to register the transfer
AD5 Lodgement of caveat (DOCX, 91.86 KB)
Complete this form if you wish to prevent the registration of a transfer of a title without a court order
AD6 Request for full or partial cancellation of an authority (DOCX, 174.24 KB)
Complete this form if you are the holder of a title applying to partially or fully cancel the title
AD7 Nomination of authority holder by applicant or tenderer (DOCX, 104.08 KB)
Complete this form if you have lodged an application for grant of a new title, and you wish to nominate a new authority holder to receive the grant
AD8 Application to suspension conditions (DOCX, 95.89 KB)
Complete this form if you are the holder of a title and wish to suspend one or more conditions on the title for a period of time
AD9 Application to register a new legal or equitable interest or amend or cancel an existing interest in an authority (DOCX, 100.04 KB)
Complete this form if you wish to register a legal or equitable interest with the Department against one or more titles
AD11 Record a change of authority holder following devolution (DOCX, 83.32 KB)
Complete this form if you wish to commence the process of transferring a title held by a deceased person in accordance with their estate
AD12 Record a change of authority holder or applicant name (DOCX, 91.36 KB)
Complete this form if you are the holder of one or more titles or applications for grant, and wish to record a change of name of a holder or applicant.
AD13 Notice to withdraw an application or objection (DOCX, 93.48 KB)
Complete this form if you have a pending application or objection with the Department and you wish to withdraw it
AD14 Application for a permit to enter land to carry out an environmental assessment (DOCX, 96.42 KB)
Complete this form if you wish to apply for a permit to enter land to assess the likely impact on the environment of activities to be carried out under an authority or mineral claim
AD15 Application for registration of a colliery holding, or recording, amendment or cancellation of a colliery holding (DOCX, 186.97 KB)
Complete this form if you are the holder of one or more coal mining leases and you wish to register, transfer or vary the associated colliery holding
AD16 Nomination of main titleholder or mining lease contact person (DOCX, 94.79 KB)
Complete this form if you are the holder of a title with multiple holders, and you wish to nominate one holder as the main titleholder for the purposes of service of notices and documents
AD17 Application for review of assessed security deposit.pdf (PDF, 213.13 KB)
Complete this form if you hold a title which has recently undergone a review of the assessed security deposit, and you wish for the Minister to review the assessed deposit
AD19 Application for Minister's consent - exempted area or native title compliance (DOCX, 102.32 KB)
Complete this form if you are the holder of a prospecting title and seek Ministerial approval to explore in exempted areas, or if your title is subject to a condition requiring Ministerial consent to prospect on land or waters where native title has not been extinguished.
Small Scale Titles - Lightning Ridge
LR application to erect a fence form (PDF, 587.78 KB)
Complete this form if you are the holder of a mineral claim applying to erect a fence on your claim
SST1 Application for cancellation of a small-scale title (PDF, 234.46 KB)
Complete this form if you are the holder of a mineral claim or opal prospecting licence and you wish to cancel the title
It’s a two-stage process to apply for a mineral claim in Lightning Ridge Mineral Claims District. Complete this form to begin the first stage. Refer to Fact sheet: Complying with obligations to notify landholders (PDF, 157.48 KB)
Complete this second form at the final stage of applying for a mineral claim after postage of the LR23 Form notice of intention to exercise rights. Refer to Fact sheet: Complying with obligations to notify landholders (PDF, 157.48 KB)
(LR3) SST3 Application for an opal prospecting licence (PDF, 269.46 KB)
Complete this form if you wish to apply for the grant of a new opal prospecting licence. Refer to Fact sheet: Complying with legal obligations to notify landholders (PDF, 157.48 KB)
Complete this form if you are seeking permission to enter land to mark out a proposed mineral claim, inspect an opal prospecting block, or comply with conditions of a mineral claim or opal prospecting licence
Complete this form if you wish to commence the process of transferring a title held by a deceased person in accordance with their estate
Complete this form if you are the holder of a mineral claim within a mineral claims district and want to renew the claim for a further term. Refer to Fact sheet: Complying with legal obligations to notify landholders (PDF, 157.48 KB)
Complete this second form at the final stage of renewing a mineral claim after postage of the LR23 form notice of intention to exercise rights.
(LR8) SST8 Application for suspension of conditions of a mineral claim (PDF, 197.06 KB)
Complete this form if you are the holder of a mineral claim and wish to suspend one or more conditions of the claim
(LR9) SST9 Application for transfer of a mineral claim (PDF, 235.1 KB)
Complete this form if you hold a mineral claim and wish to transfer the claim to another party. Refer to Fact sheet: Complying with legal obligations to notify landholders (PDF, 157.48 KB)
SST 28 Statement of corporate compliance (DOCX, 99.08 KB)
Complete this form to support your application for the grant or transfer of a mineral claim, or grant of an opal prospecting licence.
LR11 Opal Application for Registration of Interest (PDF, 117.97 KB)
Complete this form if you wish to register a legal or equitable interest with the Department against one or more mineral claims or opal prospecting licences
LR12 Opal Prospecting Licence Partnership (PDF, 795.36 KB)
Complete this form if you wish to enter into an opal prospecting licence partnership agreement
LR13 Opal Drill Rig Registration (PDF, 662.29 KB)
Complete this form if you wish to register an opal drill rig with the Department
(LR14) SST14 Small scale title change of address (PDF, 173.15 KB)
Complete this form if you wish to notify a change of address for a small scale title holder
LR15 Opal Nomination of Opal Mine Operator (PDF, 115.67 KB)
Complete this form if you wish to nominate the operator of an opal mine
LR18 Opal Environmental Awareness Course (PDF, 569.52 KB)
Complete this form if you wish to enrol in the Opal Environmental Awareness Course
LR19 Opal Dissolution of nomination of mine operator (PDF, 644.74 KB)
Complete this form if you wish to notify the Department of the dissolution of an agreed mine operator/general manager relationship
LR20 Opal Nomination of Prospecting Block Operator (PDF, 166.63 KB)
Complete this form if you wish to nominate the operator of an opal prospecting block
LR21 Opal Section 177 Notification of Application for Mineral Claim (DOCX, 69.09 KB)
Complete this template to notify a landholder of your intention to apply for a mineral claim on their land under s 177. Fact sheet: Complying with legal obligations to notify landholders (PDF, 157.48 KB)
LR22 Opal Section 2002A Notification of Application for Transfer (PDF, 71.03 KB)
Complete this template if you are required to notify a landholder of your intention to transfer a mineral claim on their property to another party. Fact sheet: Complying with legal obligations to notify landholders (PDF, 157.48 KB)
LR23 Opal Section 266 Notification of Intention to Exercise Rights (DOCX, 74.05 KB)
Complete this template to notify a landholder of your intention to exercise your rights under a mineral claim or opal prospecting licence. Fact sheet: Complying with legal obligations to notify landholders (PDF, 157.48 KB)
Complete this form if you wish to authorise credit or debit card payments for small-scale title-related matters within the Lightning Ridge Mineral Claims District.
Landholders can complete this form to provide their contact details to the Department, and to provide consent for the Department to release their details to persons applying for a mineral claim under the Mining Act 1992
Mineral Claim mark out diagram (PDF, 442.04 KB)
Complete this template when marking out a mineral claim application. This template will then accompany your mineral claim application form
Mineral Claim possession notice (PDF, 64.74 KB)
Complete this template to display your notice of possession on your claim application site
Small Scale Titles - White Cliffs