Incident reporting
Operators of mines and petroleum sites are required to report an incident or make notifications to the Department on a range of matters.

Mine and petroleum site operators
For all mining and petroleum matters, email and refer to the incident notification information in the Safety and Health section of this website.
Information about mine safety incidents, alerts and investigations is published on this website to inform industry stakeholders with the aim of preventing similar occurrences.
Community members
Reporting an alleged breach or incident
If you are a community member wishing to report an alleged breach of any of the Acts we regulate, please complete the online form Notify the Regulator through our public portal. You will need to have the following information readily available:
- the type of activity
- the time, date and location of activity
- a description, registration numbers and type of any vehicles or plant involved
- any other information you think is relevant.
Should you wish to remain anonymous, you are advised that the Resources Regulator may not be able to investigate and/or take action in relation to this alleged breach if no contact details are provided.
Once you have the above information please submit the notification form to make your report.
PLEASE NOTE: The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) is the sole authority responsible for compliance and enforcement of all coal seam gas exploration and production activities - with the exception of work health and safety issues.
If you wish to report an alleged breach of a non-work health and safety compliance and enforcement matter related to coal seam gas, please refer to the EPA website.
What will be done with my report?
When you report an alleged breach to us it will be recorded and actioned.
If you have provided your contact details in your report, you will receive an acknowledgement from the department and you will be contacted by an officer to discuss the reported matter.
If the decision is taken to investigate the alleged breach, an investigating officer will contact you to obtain further information.
If after full investigation it is considered a breach has occurred, the department will take appropriate action depending upon the significance of the breach and the evidence supporting the breach.
Enforcement measures can include issuing warning letters, penalty infringement notices, remediation notices, authorisation suspension or cancellation, and in the most serious matters, prosecution.
You will be advised of the outcome of our investigation upon completion.
Will my information be treated confidentially?
The department handles all information in accordance with the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998.