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New releases

Soil gas surveys for hydrogen and helium in NSW report 

Geoscience Australia and the Geological Survey of New South Wales collaborated on a project to look in NSW for evidence of natural hydrogen and helium in different geological settings that maybe conducive for the generation of these two gases. The main objective of this work is to improve the understanding of natural hydrogen and helium prospectivity in NSW. Finding near-surface occurrences of natural hydrogen and helium, in soil gases, could potentially lead to the discovery of deeper natural hydrogen and helium gas fields. See the outcomes of this project.

Surface geology map of New South Wales 1:1,500,000 map

The 2022 1:1.5 million scale surface geology map of New South Wales has recently been published. The previous NSW 1:1,500,000 scale geology map dated from 2009 and was based on data from a 1:1 million scale dataset put together by Geoscience Australia in 2005. This updated map was derived from the NSW Seamless Geology dataset (version 2.0). The Seamless Geology data was substantially simplified by grouping units based on age and lithology and removing stratigraphic unit nomenclature. This reduced the number of unique units from 4096 in the Seamless Geology dataset, to 120 in the Simplified Geology dataset. The data was then further simplified by removing small or narrow units to enable the best display of the map at a scale of 1:1,500,000.

Also new in this updated map, the map features: a Lord Howe Island inset; an updated geological province inset map; and the main legend features updates to geological ages and the addition of tectonic cycles.

The map can be viewed online via Canto or DIGS and is available to purchase for $19.80 in folded or flat format through the Shop Regional web site. The simplified geology data from this map is also viewable as a geological layer in MinView, visible at broad scale.

Advanced mineral projects & exploration highlights in NSW

Discover recent exploration results along with resource figures for operating mines with the new advanced mineral projects and exploration highlights map.

Geology of Lord Howe Island, 1:15 000 map

 The Geology of Lord Howe Island, 1:15 000 map updates the 1987 Lord Howe Island Geology poster with new geomorphology and carbonate research, geochronological research and geological mapping. Side one is an extensively revised geological map of the island and surrounds, including subaqueous rock units. Side two provides detailed information and photographs of the geology of Lord Howe Island.

The map is available for $11 at Shop Regional or for download at DIGS

Warrumbungle National Park Geotrail – app and brochure

This geotrail provides an interactive adventure for visitors to this scenic park, explaining its many spectacular and iconic volcanic features. There are 5 tours to download, plus an introduction, with each tour tailored to meet the differing needs of visitors. A pocket-sized brochure (PDF, 8.76 MB) tells the story of the Warrumbungle Volcano and highlights geological features along the 5 geotrails, so visitors can identify various rock types and learn about the eruption history.
A geology map of the national park is available for $11 at Shop Regional or for download at DIGS

New, detailed statewide geophysical imagery

High resolution open-file company data have been merged with regional government data to create new, improved statewide magnetics and gravity images. They provide greater detail of magnetic and gravity anomalies at the camp and prospect scales. Images and grids of total magnetic intensity, first derivative, second derivative, tilt-angle filter and isostatic residual gravity can be viewed in MinView and downloaded into your GIS targeting projects.

Seamless Geology of NSW

Version 2.0 of the NSW Seamless Geology dataset is available for free download in various GIS formats. This package represents the latest seamless statewide compilation of the best available NSW digital geology mapping.

A simplified format can also be used on smartphones and tablets using the Explorer for ArcGIS mobile application. Download the new seamless mobile map here.

The NSW Seamless Geology Project is an ongoing initiative that commenced in late 2013. Version 2.0 is the 2nd update of the Seamless Geology dataset (Version 1.0 was released in October 2018). It includes new mapping data from the Lachlan Orogen and Sydney Basin, as well as extensive upgrades to the attribute tables. The geology of Lord Howe Island is also included for the first time.

New mineral resource projects map for NSW

Released in January 2022, the latest mineral resource projects map is available for free. This 1:1.5 million scale map includes operating coal, metallic and mineral sand mines, major industrial mineral operations, gemstone operations and districts, inactive mines, advanced projects, geologically significant deposits and infrastructure. Mineral deposit data was extracted from the NSW MetIndEx database with production based on royalty data.

A less detailed pocket-sized version at 1:3 million scale is also available for free.

3D model of major faults in the eastern Lachlan Orogen

The Geological Survey of NSW has released a 3D model of major faults in the eastern Lachlan Orogen using all available geological mapping, borehole and geophysical data.

The model is a powerful tool for studying the evolution of geology in NSW over the past 500 million years and gives a geological context for the location of major mineral resources.

Central Lachlan Orogen mineral potential mapping project

The central Lachlan Orogen mineral potential mapping report and data package have been released. Three significant mineral systems were analysed in the central Lachlan Orogen mineral potential study: Granite-related Sn–W in the central Lachlan Orogen and Cobar Cu–Au and Cobar Pb–Zn systems of the Cobar Superbasin. Spatial modelling experts Kenex Pty Ltd and the GSNSW Mineral Systems section used a weights-of-evidence approach, creating up to 225 predictive maps for each mineral system, and up to 9 maps for the final models. Data is being released as a mineral potential atlas that can now be downloaded through DIGS.

MinView updates

MinView is a public map viewer, provided by the Geological Survey of NSW, with free access to view, search and download a range of geoscientific data for NSW.

Functionality and data that have been added recently include:

  • quick title searches
  • search intersecting features using the quick selected title or application (search by selection)
  • NSW Seamless Geology 2.0
  • NSW statewide magnetics and gravity merges
  • AusLAMP MT depth slices and 3D Cobar AEM survey curtains
  • mineral potential mapping for 16 key NSW mineral systems including Cu-Au porphyry
  • mineral collection specimen locations and photos.

Periodic table of mobile phones

The Geological Survey of NSW has released a great new teaching aid, focussing on metals found in mobile phones. It includes a map showing areas in NSW that produce, or have the potential to produce, some of these metals. There’s also a build-it-yourself mobile phone display sheet. Add your own mobile phone parts and learn about the metals in them!

Download the Periodic Table of Mobile Phones (PDF, 2.51 MB) resource.

For more information about high-tech metals see our High-tech metal resources of NSW map.