Legacy mines site risk assessments
The Legacy Mines Program (LMP) uses a modern risk-based approach that helps effectively prioritise the sites for rehabilitation or remediation.
This involves:
- data management for the effective evaluation of the program
- screening level (desktop) risk assessments
- site inspections to better understand the site
- undertaking remediation, safety or maintenance works
- regular reviews of risk ratings to ensure the delivery of the LMP’s goals.
This process builds on a site’s information base and triggers work as necessary to reduce risks. For example, on a contaminated site:

Risk ratings
Risk ratings are divided into two categories:
- Safety Risk Rating – the LMP safety risk ratings are guided by international standards and utilise the ISO31000 methodology for likelihood and consequence.
- Environmental Risk Rating – The program considers actual and potential environmental risks in six areas. These include:
- soil contamination
- surface water contamination
- groundwater contamination
- erosion and sedimentation
- stability and subsidence
- failure of containment structures.
Contact the program
Contact us at: legacy.mines@regional.nsw.gov.au.