Public Consultation
Open consultations
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Closed consultations
Technical Reference Guide - Roads or other vehicle operating areas
The Resources Regulator invited feedback on the draft Technical Reference Guide (TRG) - Roads or other vehicle operating areas (PDF, 1.37 MB) principal hazard management plan for surface and open cut mining operations.
Consultation was open for 5 weeks from Monday 03 February to Sunday 09 March 2025.
The draft TRG had been developed in consultation with industry stakeholders through the Adverse Vehicle Interactions Advisory Committee.
Submissions will help the Regulator address adverse vehicle interaction in the NSW mining industry.
Adverse vehicle interactions are a significant hazard on roads or other vehicle operating areas in mining operations, with the potential to cause fatalities and serious injury.
Submissions closed on Sunday 9 March 2025.
Annual report release policy and exploration reporting
NSW Resources has reviewed the framework for exploration reporting and the public release of exploration reports and data for authorities under the Mining Act.
Public consultation on the revised Annual report release policy, Redaction guide and Exploration reporting guideline took place from 21 November 2023 to 25 January 2024. Two industry stakeholder sessions were held on 5 December 2023.
A total of 3 submissions were received at close of the consultation period. The feedback received was carefully considered and many of the recommendations made have been incorporated into the final policy and guides. A summary of the consultation feedback (PDF, 196.56 KB) and the NSW Resources response is available.
The documents available for consultation were:
Revised annual report release policy (draft for consultation) (PDF, 317.79 KB) – the framework for the public release of annual reports after the five-year confidentiality period expires, incorporating previously excluded report types. The public release of reports and data supports new investment in exploration to meet the growing global demand for minerals, and meets the commitments of the NSW Minerals Strategy.
Revised annual report redaction guide (draft for consultation) (PDF, 428.29 KB) – guidance for authority holders who wish to redact commercially sensitive and proprietary information from historical reports prior to public release, for those reports submitted prior to 1 January 2022.
Revised exploration reporting guideline (draft for consultation) (PDF, 524.4 KB) – updated requirements for reports submitted under the Mining Act including the structure, content and data format. The drafted revisions reflect the availability of a new mineral exploration data template, reporting templates, large file lodgement options, an online report builder in Titles Management System (TMS), and support the annual report release policy.
A frequently asked questions document (PDF, 294.05 KB)was prepared to support the consultation, providing details about the proposed changes and anticipating potential questions.
The revised Annual report release policy and Exploration reporting guideline commenced operating on 28 March 2024. The information is published on our Exploration Reporting web page.
Critical Minerals and High-Tech Metals Strategy consultation
The NSW Government’s Critical Minerals and High-Tech Metals Strategy 2024-35 was developed following a comprehensive consultation process that involved public submissions, targeted stakeholder engagement, and a Ministerial Roundtable.
This attracted responses from a broad cross-sector including mining companies, industry associations, unions, environmental and community groups, research organisations, universities and individuals.
Mining and Petroleum (Onshore) Regulation Amendments – Response to consultation feedback and commencement of reforms
NSW Resources is progressing a range of reforms that support the responsible development of the State’s mineral resources.
The NSW Government committed to a review of mining regulations, policies and processes to improve transparency, efficiency and community confidence in line with best practice regulation. As a result of this review, a set of legislative amendments are being made that will improve the regulatory framework and processes for mineral resource development in NSW.
The Mining and Petroleum Legislation Amendment Act 2022 (the amending Act) received assent in June 2022 and a first stage of reforms under the amending Act commenced operating in October.
Public consultation on a second stage of regulatory reforms in support of the amending Act took place from 21 September to 19 October 2022. Five submissions were received. The feedback received was carefully considered and some of the recommendations made have been incorporated into the Mining Amendment Regulation 2022.
On 14 December 2022, the Governor approved the commencement of the relevant amending Act provisions. The accompanying amendment Regulations were also made and an order for the establishment of a Mineral Allocation Area (MAA) for hydrogen and non-metals was declared.
All the provisions in the amendment Regulations will commence operating on
1 March 2023, with the exception of the following three provisions:
- partial cancellations of authorities to identify the land sought to be retained will commence on 13 January 2023 in conjunction with associated amendments of the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No 2) 2022
- future fee and levy adjustment consultation processes will commence on
1 May 2023, alongside the amending Act’s Schedule 1[120] - the use of the Map Grid of Australia 2020 standard with certain applications under the Mining Act 1992 will commence on 1 March 2024.
The commencement proclamation listing the sections of the amending Act being commenced together with the amendment Regulations can be accessed on the NSW Legislation website.
Suspension of mining operations
The NSW Government is progressing a range of reforms to support the responsible development of the State’s mineral resources and to help position NSW to become Australia’s premier destination for exploration and mining investment.
NSW Resources undertook consultation on a draft Suspension of Mining Operations Policy (PDF, 87.55 KB) from 16 February to 18 March 2022.
The policy aims to clarify the statutory condition on mining leases that requires the lease holder to obtain written consent to suspend mining operations in the mining area and to only suspend operations in accordance with that consent. The policy details how consent to suspend mining operations will be provided, the application process to be followed and the circumstances that will be considered when granting, refusing or revoking consent to suspend mining operations.
Consultation has closed and all feedback received during the consultation period has been considered and analysed. Refinements have been made to the policy in response to the feedback received. A summary of consultation submissions and responses is available here. (PDF, 183.26 KB)
The Suspension of Mining Operations Policy (PDF, 87.55 KB) commenced operation on 1 August 2022.
For further information about the policy and how to apply, please refer to the Suspension of mining operations page.
Evaluation of the practising certificate maintenance of competence scheme requirements
The NSW Resources Regulator is seeking comment from interested parties on the maintenance of competence requirements for practising certificates for certain statutory functions under the Work Health and Safety (Mines and Petroleum Sites) Act 2013.
Click here to view the consultation page.
Vehicle interaction controls in NSW mines
Consultation has commenced on the Vehicle interaction controls in NSW mines discussion paper (PDF, 606.55 KB), seeking feedback on the potential pathways and position the Resources Regulator could take to address adverse vehicle interactions in the NSW mining industry.
Industry stakeholders are invited to provide their valuable insights and feedback on the discussion paper. Public consultation is an essential part of the process, as it allows for diverse perspectives to be considered when shaping policies and regulations.
The consultation period will be open from Thursday 27 July, until 5pm Friday 8 September 2023.
Proposed Work Health and Safety (Mines and Petroleum Sites) Regulation 2022
The exposure draft of the proposed Work Health and Safety (Mines and Petroleum Sites) Regulation 2022 was available for public comment.
The proposed Regulation will re-make the existing Work Health and Safety (Mines and Petroleum Sites) Regulation 2014 with some amendments, as part of the staged repeal of statutory rules under the Subordinate Legislation Act 1989.
Work Health and Safety (Mines and Petroleum Sites) laws proposed amendments
The Regulator is seeking comment from interested parties on proposed amendments to the Work Health and Safety (Mines and Petroleum Sites) Act 2013 and Work Health and Safety (Mines and Petroleum Sites) Regulation 2014 (WHS (MPS) laws). The Act and regulation can be found on the NSW legislation website.
Operational Rehabilitation Reforms
We are seeking submissions on the guidelines that will support new standard mining lease conditions that require progressive rehabilitation, rehabilitation risk assessment, annual reporting, and detailed rehabilitation management planning. The new mining lease conditions will replace existing rehabilitation conditions on current mining leases and be added to all new mining leases through the regulation.
Diesel emissions
We are seeking feedback from the mining industry regarding the application of a diesel particulate exposure standard for mines in NSW.
Proposed new statutory function
On behalf of the Mining and Petroleum Competence Board, we are seeking comment from stakeholders on the discussion paper for a possible new statutory function of Geotechnical Engineering in underground coal mines.
Fires on mobile plant
In 2018, we developed a discussion paper on the use and possible regulation of mitigation strategies for the prevention of fires on mobile plant.
Proposed changes to experience requirements for Certificates of Competence
In 2019, we sought comment from stakeholders on the Mining and Petroleum Competence Board’s proposal to increase experience requirements.
Improving mine rehabilitation in NSW
Proposals to improve the regulatory framework for rehabilitation of major mining projects are currently under consideration.
For more information, go to the Department of Planning website
Public comment on new coal and petroleum titles
Targeted stakeholder consultations
Targeted consultation with identified stakeholder groups may be undertaken on specific issues when an open submission process is not required. This may take the form of direct mail/email or may include a forum by invitation. The Executive Director or Chief Inspector will decide when a targeted approach is appropriate and which stakeholder groups will be targeted.
If you believe you should be included in the targeted consultation process, please email with your reasons before the closing date.
Targeted consultations are listed below:
Description | Closing date |
Consultation draft Technical reference guide – TRG development of a fire or explosion PHMP (download NSW Resources response to feedback here (PDF, 129.85 KB)) | 21 June 2024 |
Consultation draft Technical reference guide - TRG Strata Bolting plant in underground coal mines (download NSW Resources response to feedback here (PDF, 94.85 KB)) | 8 March 2024 |
Consultation draft Technical reference guide - TRG Coal dust explosion suppression and prevention (download NSW Resources response to feedback here (PDF, 35.83 KB)) | 19 April 2024 |
Consultation draft Technical reference guide - Pillar extraction in underground coal mines. (There was no feedback for NSW Resources to consider.) | 20 October 2023 |
Consultation draft Technical reference guide - Windblast management in underground coal mines (download NSW Resources response feedback here (PDF, 45.46 KB)) | 22 September 2023 |
Consultation draft Technical reference guide - Airblast management in non-coal underground mines (download NSW Resources response feedback here (PDF, 77.21 KB)) | 22 September 2023 |
Consultation draft Technical reference guide - Raiseboring operations (There was no feedback for NSW Resources to consider) | 5 May 2023 |
Consultation draft Technical reference guide - Stockpiles and reclaim tunnels in coal mines (download NSW Resources response feedback here (PDF, 42.33 KB)) | 28 February 2023 |
Consultation draft Technical reference guide – Withdrawal and emergency escape from underground coal mines (download NSW Resources response feedback here (PDF, 112.08 KB)) | 19 July 2021 |
Consultation draft Technical reference guide – Gas outburst (principal hazard management plan guidance)(download NSW Resources response feedback here (PDF, 60.15 KB)) | 11 June 2021 |
Consultation draft Technical reference guide – Escape breathing apparatus for underground mining applications (Standards for design and ongoing monitoring) | 26 June 2020 |
Consultation draft Guideline – Development of a spontaneous combustion principal hazard management plan | 10 July 2020 |
Consultation draft Technical reference guide – Non-metallic materials for use in underground coal mines and reclaim tunnels in coal mines (MDG3608) | 30 March 2021 |
Consultation draft Technical reference guide – Hot work (cutting and welding) at mines and petroleum sites | 26 April 2021 |
Consultation draft Technical reference guide – Ventilation Control Plan: Guide for the development of a ventilation control plan for underground mines | 26 April 2021 |
Consultation draft Technical reference guide – Main fans booster fans and auxiliary fans in underground coal mines | 26 April 2021 |