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Update: COVID-19 situation

In line with the latest health advice the Resources Regulator is progressively returning to full operational levels for its regulatory operations. Key changes include:

  • Inspections in relation mine rehabilitation and other obligations under the Mining Act have now resumed.
  • Safety inspection and assessment activity have now reverted back to focus on pre-COVID planned programs and compliance priorities.
  • The Opal Miners Safety Awareness Courses has been reworked for online delivery and will re-commence from July 2020.
  • Oral and Written exams for Certificates of Competence and being rescheduled to progressively recommence from September 2020.

The Regular recognises that many learning opportunities required to maintain Certificates of Competence are yet to resume – as such it will continue to monitor the situation before determining the appropriate extent of dispensation that should be applied in relation to the quantum of learning hours required to be accumulated during this period.

Please contact us if you have questions or concerns regarding the Regulator’s activities as COVID restrictions continue to be varied.

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