A recent series of incidents involving collisions between underground mobile plant and high voltage (HV) 11 kilo Volt (kV) power cables have been reported to the Resources Regulator, raising concerns about workers at risk of injury.
In one of the incidents, during a longwall move and while transporting roof supports (shields), the mine lost power to mine feeds (11kV HV cables) at the surface. An electrician in the area had passed a shield carrier and went looking for the issue, finding marks on an 11kV HV cable near 41 cut-through on the main travel road.
Movement of large mobile plant transporting heavy loads has resulted in multiple incidents where HV cables have been hit, resulting in cable damage and protection trips. These incidents expose mine workers to serious risk of injury from the release of high voltage energy.
Read the safety bulletin and recommendations to industry. (PDF, 433.95 KB)