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Work health and safety reports

Work health and safety reports contain information on injuries and illness, as well as other information, such as the total number of hours worked at the mine. This type of information is used for preparing key statistical data on injuries and illness in the mining sector.

Which operators need to submit a work health and safety report?

In accordance with section 126 of the Work Health and Safety (Mines and Petroleum Sites) Regulation 2022, The mine operator of a mine must give the regulator a work health and safety report unless they are:
•    a mine, other than a coal mine, at which the total number of hours worked by all workers at the mine during the reporting period is less than 10,000 hours, including additional hours and overtime, or
•    a mine, including a mineral exploration site, at which no mining operations are carried out during the reporting period other than activities carried out for the purpose of exploring for minerals. 

When to submit your report

The mine operator must submit a work health and safety report for the financial year within 30 days after June 30 each year.

How to submit your report

Work health and safety reports are submitted through the Regulator Portal. You should already have account details to the portal to be able to report for all mines operated by you.

Should you require a user account set up for the portal or to add a mine you operate to your existing user account, please follow the instructions outlined on the ‘Mine or petroleum site operator notification’ page. Requests must be submitted by a person in authority or a statutory position holder relevant to that operator or mine/s. When submitting a request, please provide the account holder’s full name, position title, email address (must be unique), contact phone number and a list of mines the account holder will need access to in the portal.

Information to help you prepare your report

This guide includes information and instructions to help you complete the report and is also available on the Regulator Portal.

For more detailed information about incidents and injury reporting please see the Notification of incident and injury guide. (PDF, 236.93 KB)

If a report was not generated for your mine and you are required to submit a report, please email