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The NSW Resources Regulator and NSW Minerals Council are partnering to hold the second collision avoidance forum on 22 February 2023 at the

Aerial shot of two dump trucks approaching each other on a dirt road.


Key findings and recommendations from a targeted intervention program on ground or strata failure in the underground coal industry are now

Close shot of mid-section of two Resources Regulator staff - one is writing on a clip board.


The Regulator has issued a safety alert after a bulldozer operator at an open cut coal mine was unable to activate its fire suppression

An exclamation mark in a triangle on a navy background, with red graphical lines.


The Regulator has released a safety alert after the service brakes on a Caterpillar 740 articulated ejector truck failed and it rolled

Graphic representing an open book


Better Regulation is progressing a series of amendments to the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017, which start on 1 October 2022. They

Illustration of two people looking at one another. The person on the left is more dominant and pointing in the face of the other person.


The Regulator's Coal Team operates out of our Maitland, Lithgow and Wollongong offices and covers all underground coal mines, open cut coal

Competitive allocation of coal banner


Changes to the Work Health and Safety (Mines and Petroleum Sites) Act 2013 passed by NSW Parliament in May come into effect 1 August. The

Graphic showing pencil and pad


The Regulator has released a compliance report on proximity awareness and collision avoidance in open cut coal mines. It is based on

Roads or other vehicle operating areas icon


The annual work health and safety reports for the period 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022 are now available on the Regulator Portal for mine

Line drawing of a bell on a purple background.

Consultation Safety

The exposure draft of the proposed Work Health and Safety (Mines and Petroleum Sites) Regulation 2022 is now available for public comment

Outlines of two speech bubbles intersecting.


Our targeted intervention campaign starts next week at open cut mines across NSW. The campaign continues our engagement with industry on the

Vehicle interaction targeted campaign image


The Regulator starts a targeted intervention campaign this month at open cut mines across NSW to build on our engagement with industry on

Vehicle interaction targeted campaign image