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Statistical publications and reports

Key mine safety audit reports, International Mining Fatality Review database, fire protection and underground fires documents.

Review of drawpoint management

The Resources Regulator conducted a series of assessments at every NSW underground metalliferous mining operation throughout 2016 and 2017 to determine how effectively the principal mining hazard of ‘ground and strata control’ was being managed.

A key part of the assessment was to assess how operations manage the risks associated with drawpoints. This report covers findings from the first six mines assessed.

In-service fires on mobile plant

The NSW Resources Regulator conducted a review of in-service fires on mobile plant at NSW mines.

The intent of this report is to present data collected from ancillary reports graphically to facilitate industry review. It is hoped that the reader may gain an insight to the broader understanding of fires on mobile plant across the NSW mining industry and prompt a review of the effectiveness of current preventative measures. The report also provides an initiative for the industry to consider a shift of focus towards elimination of ignition/heat sources to drive a step change in occurrence of fires

ExDES failures analysis

Studies have been undertaken to analyse the in-service failures of explosion-protected characteristics of explosion-protected plant in NSW underground coal mines. These studies were undertaken on behalf of the department by an external consultant, and were based upon the department's data.

Note: These publications are third-party content and may not be accessible. If you need an accessible version, please email

ExDES emissions statistical analysis (bell curves)

The Work Health and Safety (Mines and Petroleum Sites) Regulation 2022 requires the operator of an underground mine to regularly sample and analyse exhaust emissions from diesel engines. Engine emission data that has been collated through the registration process and in some instances obtained from in-service testing, has been analysed and presented in a series of graphs for the more common engine systems. The graphs in the following document give context to the range of normal results for an engine and can be used as reference to assist in recognising an engine that is not performing as it should.

Safety audit report - metalliferous and extractive mines

In accordance with a recommendation of the Wran Mine safety Review 2005, the Resources Regulator conducted an occupational health and safety audit program at metalliferous, extractive and other non-coal mining operations across NSW. The Safety Audit Report - Metalliferous and Extractive Mines (PDF, 1.98 MB) was published in February 2011.

International Mining Fatality Review

The International Mining Fatality Review is an an extensive database of mining-related fatalities resulting in a fatality comparison across the world. Mines, equipment hirers and equipment manufacturers can use this statistical data in risk management systems to improve safety.