News All the latest safety and rehabilitation news and updates. Click here to subscribe to our newsletters. Filters Tags Central West Coal Competence Compliance Consultation Critical minerals Emissions Enforcement Event Exploration Fatality Groundwater Guide Incident Information release Investigation Legislation Media releases Mining Mining communities Ministerial Public submission Rehabilitation Rejuvenation Renewable energy Report Safety Seminar Workshop Clear all filters Showing page 35 of 37 pages Sort by: Date (newest)Date (oldest) Practising certificate reminder Competence 27 August 2020 From 1 October 2020, a practising certificate must be held by anyone intending to exercise a statutory function at a mine that requires the east NSW Government geotrail unveils Warrumbungle's violent volcanic past Report 22 August 2020 Locals can now journey into an ancient volcano in Warrumbungle National Park with the help of a digital geotrail that provides a first-hand east Incident at Springvale mine Fatality 21 August 2020 The NSW Resources Regulator has commenced an investigation into the death of a worker at Springvale underground coal mine north west of east Report released into dangerous blasting incident at Albury Quarry Incident Report 20 August 2020 An investigation report and incident animation video has been released following a dangerous blasting incident that occurred at Albury east Virtual fieldtrip and launch of Newcastle Coastal Geotrail to celebrate National Science Week Report 17 August 2020 The amazing geology of Newcastle’s coastline will be on display for science enthusiasts and nature lovers through a virtual fieldtrip with east Open cut coal mine worker contracts coal workers’ pneumoconiosis Investigation 13 August 2020 A 61-year-old worker with about 41 years’ coal mining experience has been diagnosed with coal workers’ pneumoconiosis. The NSW Resources east Have your say about the NSW MSAC Dust Safety Awareness campaign Safety 13 August 2020 The NSW Mine Safety Advisory Council ran a Dust Safety Awareness campaign throughout July 2020 to increase knowledge and awareness of dust east Market interest test submission closing date: Monday, 14 September 2020 at 11:59pm (AEST) Report 11 August 2020 CIM Stratford Pty Ltd (ABN 070 387 914) and Gloucester Coal Ltd (ABN 008 881 712) has applied to the Department of Regional NSW, Mining east Market interest test submission closing date: Monday, 14 September 2020 at 11:59pm (AEST) Report 11 August 2020 Metropolitan Collieries Pty Ltd (ABN 003 135 635) has applied to the Department of Regional NSW, Mining, Exploration and Geoscience (MEG) east Market interest test submission closing date: Monday, 14 September 2020 at 11:59pm (AEST) Report 11 August 2020 Ulan Coal Mines Pty Ltd (ACN 000 189 248) has applied to the Department of Regional NSW, Mining, Exploration and Geoscience (MEG) for a east Revised maintenance of competence requirements for practising certificates Legislation 7 August 2020 The Resources Regulator, in consultation with the Mining and Petroleum Competence Board, has made improvements to the requirements for east Changes to the issuing of quarry manager practising certificates Competence 7 August 2020 The NSW Resources Regulator has adopted a three-tiered approach to the administration of the quarry manager practising certificate scheme east east First page east Back a page Page 29 Page 30 Page 31 Page 32 Page 33 Page 34 Page 35 Page 36 Page 37 Next page east Last page east