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The NSW Resources Regulator has accepted a Work Health and Safety (WHS) enforceable undertaking from Maules Creek Coal Pty Ltd (MCCPL) in

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A research report investigating the most effective means of identifying risks associated with human-system interactions in remote and

open cut mine


The NSW Resources Regulator (the Regulator) has commenced prosecution proceedings against Macquarie Marble and Lime Pty Ltd and a Director

Judge's gavel


The NSW Resources Regulator has accepted an enforceable undertaking from Wider Controls Australia Pty Ltd (WCA) following an investigation

Enforceable undertaking accepted image


The NSW Resources Regulator has rejected the WHS undertaking given by Endeavour Coal in relation to a June 2019 incident that resulted in a

Screenshot of the Enforceable Undertakings webpage with the word 'rejected' in a red box overlayed.


The NSW Resources Regulator has accepted enforceable undertakings from Hi-Quality Waste Management Pty Ltd (operator of Windellama Clay Mine

Screenshot of the Enforceable undertakings page on our website


The operator of Springvale Colliery near Lithgow has committed to spending approximately $540,000 as part of an enforceable undertaking

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An enforceable undertaking submitted by Narrabri Coal Pty Ltd ( NCPL ) and Narrabri Coal Operations Pty Ltd ( NCO ) under the Mining Act has

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The operator of Maules Creek Coal Mine, near Boggabri, has committed to spending over $800,000 in undertakings in relation to a collision

Photograph of the Maules Creek truck collision


A WHS enforceable undertaking submitted by Maules Creek Coal Pty Ltd ( MCCCPL ) has been rejected by the Regulator. The proposed undertaking

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