Blasting explosives user license
Removing requirement for a BEUL reference
The Resources Regulator no longer receives applications for BEUL references. SafeWork NSW will not require a reference from the Resources Regulator under the new requirements for people applying for a mining BEUL.
For information on proposed new requirements to obtain a BEUL from 1 January 2020 (without a reference), please go to SafeWork NSW.
Explosives in the NSW mining industry
Handlers of explosives need to hold a blasting explosives user licence (BEUL) before they can be the responsible person for the use of explosives or explosive precursors or directly supervise those who do not hold either the BEUL or security clearance. The licence is administered by SafeWork NSW
Anyone needing a BEUL must first obtain a security clearance (previously known as an unsupervised handling licence) from SafeWork NSW. This requires a national police and security check that is valid for 5 years.
- SafeWork NSW: Security clearance for handling explosives
The use of explosives in a workplace is covered by the Explosives Act 2003 and Explosives Regulation 2013. The main purpose of the legislation is to improve public safety and security of explosives (as well as concentrated ammonium nitrate) by preventing unauthorised access.
Copies can be downloaded from the NSW legislation website, follow the direct links below;