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Mining Act statutory decisions


RZ Resources Ltd - 28 November 2022

Exploration Licences 8308, 8309, 8310, 8311, 8312, 8385, 8560, 8648, 8769, 8865, 9219, 9221, 9222 and 9223 (Act 1992)

Decision to vary (amend) Mandatory Audit Condition

This decision takes effect on 30 November 2022

Clause 12 of Schedule 1B of the Mining Act 1992.

Decision document – Variation of authorisation (PDF, 64.59 KB)


To provide further clarity about the audit requirements.


Sheref Sancar - 25 June 2018

Mineral claims MC24202 and MC55398 at opal field area near Lightning Ridge

Section 203 Decision to cancel MC24202 and MC55398 (PDF, 349.86 KB)


Non-compliance issues and work health and safety breaches by the claim holder.


Shree Minerals Ltd - 28 June 2022

Operations under Exploration Licence 9155 near Cooma

Suspension notice (PDF, 161.56 KB)


Failed to comply with requirements under an Activity Approval, a condition of authorisation.

Suspension was revoked on 27 May 2024

Decision document – revocation of suspension notice EL 9155 (PDF, 214.94 KB)


Tahmoor Coal Pty Ltd (lease holder) - 4 December 2020

Decision to vary (attach) the standard Mining Operations Plan (MOP) and Annual Rehabilitation Reporting (ARR) condition on Mining Lease 1376 (Act 1992) (ML 1376).

This decision takes effect from 7 December 2020.

Clause 12 of Schedule 1B of the Mining Act 1992.

Decision document - Variation of authorisation (PDF, 216.75 KB)


ML 1376 did not have the standard MOP and ARR condition attached to the authorisation.


Total Iron Pty Ltd - 19 December 2018

Exploration activities, EL8635, Cangai Copper Mine near Grafton

Section 240AA decision to suspend EL8635 (PDF, 377.67 KB)


Failed to implement environmental controls associated with prospect drilling.

Offence under section 378D(1) of the Mining Act 1992, contravened a condition of authorisation.

Suspension was revoked on 24 May 2019 after confirmation that section 240 notice complied with and environmental controls implemented.


Total Minerals Pty Ltd - 19 December 2018

Exploration activities, EL8625, Cangai Copper Mine near Grafton

Section 240AA decision to suspend EL8625 (PDF, 378.4 KB)


Failed to implement environmental controls associated with prospect drilling.

Offence under section 378D(1) of the Mining Act 1992, contravened a condition of authorisation.

Suspension was revoked on 24 May 2019 after confirmation that section 240 notice complied with and environmental controls implemented.


Young Mining Company Pty Ltd - 31 July 2019


Suspension notice stayed until 5pm Monday 19 August 2019 by order of the Supreme Court of NSW.

On 19 August 2019, Young Mining Company Pty Ltd agreed to pay half of the total shortfall in the security deposit to the Department by 2 September 2019 and pay the remaining shortfall by 18 May 2020. Young Mining also agreed to pay half of the Regulator’s legal costs as agreed or assessed.

The stay of the suspension notice as ordered by the court will remain in effect until 5 September 2019.

Section 240AA decision to suspend CML15 (PDF, 604.27 KB)


Failed to pay the required security deposit.

Suspension revoked on 5 September 2019 after confirmation that Young Mining Company Pty Ltd paid half of the total shortfall in the security deposit to the Department in accordance with its agreement with the Regulator.