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Mining vehicle interaction controls

Adverse vehicle interactions are a significant hazard on roads or other vehicle operating areas in mining operations, with the potential to cause fatalities and serious injury. The Regulator is working to improve the safety of workers in NSW mines.

What’s this about?

When operating mobile plant at a mining operation, there are numerous risks that should be continually assessed and subsequently controlled to ensure the health and safety of workers. 

The risk of vehicle interaction is one that all mine operators should consider when determining the appropriate controls for roads or other vehicle operating areas.

What's the Regulator doing?

Following feedback from industry, the Regulator released a vehicle interaction controls discussion paper (PDF, 606.55 KB) in September 2023. The paper provides options the regulator can take to improve safety measures between vehicles and workers in NSW mines. The discussion paper addresses concerns about the number of vehicle interactions occurring at NSW mines.

The Adverse Vehicle Interaction Advisory Committee (AVIAC) is a tripartite committee with representatives from the NSW Minerals Council, Cement Concrete and Aggregates Australia, the Mining and Energy Union, Australian Workers Union and the Regulator.

AVIAC has developed a draft Technical Reference Guide (TRG) Roads and other vehicle operating areas principal management plan for surface and open cut mining operations (PDF, 1.37 MB)

The TRG will provide information to assist mine operators and other duty holders to comply with legislative requirements for a roads and other vehicle operating areas principal hazard management plan to avoid adverse vehicle interactions.

Public consultation

Consultation is open for 5 weeks from Monday 03 February to Sunday 09 March 2025.

You are invited to have your say on the draft TRG Roads and other vehicle operating areas principal management plan for surface and open cut mining operations (PDF, 1.37 MB).

Your feedback will help the Regulator address adverse vehicle interaction in the NSW mining industry. 

Please email your submissions to