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Advertising a notice of an application for an exploration licence (operational allocation) for Group 9 or Group 9A

Part 1: Form and information to be included in notice

Form of notice

A notice of an application for an exploration licence for coal (operational allocation licence) must be in the form and contain the information below, replacing the text in italics with details of the application.

Exploration licence application

Notice is given in accordance with Section 13A of the Mining Act 1992 and clauses 15 and 89K of the Mining Regulation 2016 that exploration licence application number (insert number as listed in acknowledgement letter) (Act 1992) for (*insert mineral group/s) has been lodged with NSW Resources by (enter applicants name), ACN (enter if applicable), over an area of about (enter the area as applicable in hectares or square kilometres) which is located about (enter the number of) kilometres (enter direction i.e. westt) of the town of (enter closest significant town or village), as described on the plan below.

Information regarding this application can be obtained from (insert contact name of applicant’s representative), phone number (insert phone number).

Information regarding landholder's rights is at

Invitation for public comment

NSW Resources provides an opportunity for public comment on applications for exploration licences for coal. To find out more on the public comment process call NSW Resources  on (02) 4063 6600 or visit:

Submissions can be made within 28 days of this notice being published.

NSW Resources reserves the right to make all or part of any submission publicly available, however, personal information identifying an individual will not be published.


* Insert the group and description per the application e.g. Group 1 (metallic minerals) and Group 2 (non-metallic minerals).

Information to be included in the notice

The notice must include the following information:

  • the exploration licence application number
  • the group or groups of minerals in respect of which the application is made
  • a description of the proposed exploration area prepared in the manner below, including the approximate area (in hectares) and proximity to the closest significant town or village
  • the name and contact details of the applicant
  • a reference to the information regarding landholder’s rights on the NSW Resources website
  • a reference to the public comment process and the period within which submissions may be made.

Description of proposed exploration area

The notice must include a description of the proposed exploration area by means of a plan that:

  • is at least 6 cm in width and at least 6 cm in length
  • has a minimum resolution of at least 300 dpi at final size
  • is based on an accepted standard map (e.g. county map, topographic-cadastral map)
  • identifies any main roads, rivers, railways, villages/towns and localities
  • defines the external boundaries of the proposed exploration area (application area), with a bolder line than other lines shown on the map
  • has a north point and scale bar
  • contains lettering that is legible at the publication size*
  • shows the distance and direction to the town or village mentioned in the text.

*Note: To ensure your published advertisement is legible and the diagrams appear correctly, you may wish to contact the newspapers to confirm their advertising specifications (e.g. minimum font size, file type accepted, image resolution required).

MinView is an online tool provided by NSW Resources that may help you prepare your plan/diagram. A copy of MinView maps must not be used for the published notice. For further details go to MinView

In remote areas, you may want to choose a larger ‘footprint’ to include a familiar road or locality. Similarly, if the area is close to a familiar road or locality, the area may be smaller, and cadastre may be appropriate.

Note: It is recommended that the advertisements are proofread by the applicant before being published. Errors in the text and diagram may affect the validity of the notice and require the advertisements to be re-advertised at the cost of the applicant.

Submission of advertisements

Copies of the notice as published should be submitted (preferably in one email) to NSW Resources at or applicants may also submit the 2 advertisements through the Titles Management System (TMS) as attachments to the relevant online application.

Failure to comply with the Secretary’s requirements

If you are unable to comply with the Secretary's requirements you must seek prior approval to waive the requirements. Requests to waive the requirements are to be emailed to Include a copy of the proposed advertisement with an explanation of why the requirements could not be complied with.

Advertisements that don't comply with the requirements may not be valid and require the advertisements to be re-advertised at the cost of the applicant.

Examples of diagrams

Note: These examples are to assist in the preparation of an advertisement diagram for an exploration licence application for coal or oil shale.

Diagram to assist prep for advertising diagram showing requirements for labels and size.

Part 2: General guidance

This information is intended to provide general guidance for applicants and does not constitute legal advice.

Section 13A of the Mining Act 1992 and clauses 15 and 89K of the Mining Regulation 2016 set out the requirements for notice of an application for an exploration licence. In addition to the required form and information outlined in Part 1 above, section 13A requires the notice to be published in a particular manner and within a particular time.

How to publish the notice

In accordance with section 13A(1) of the Mining Act 1992 and clause 89K of the Mining Regulation 2016:

  • The notice must be published in at least one newspaper circulating generally in NSW.
  • It must also be published in both the online and print editions of at least one newspaper circulating in the local area of the proposed exploration licence.
    • If publishing in both online and print editions is not possible you must publish in either the online or print edition of the local publication.
    • If that is not possible (e.g. there is no local newspaper publication in the relevant locality), you must publish on a website or another online platform that is likely to bring the notice to the attention of persons in the local area (e.g. local council website).

When to publish the notice

In accordance with section 13A(1) of the Mining Act 1992 and clause 15(1) of the Mining Regulation 2016, you must cause notice of the application to be published within 45 days after receipt of confirmation that the application for an exploration licence has been lodged.

More information

NSW Resources, Assessments and Systems

Phone: +61 2 4063 6600 (8.30 am – 4.30 pm)
